We are a small Christian fellowship based in Pennsylvania (also NY, FL, & CA), united by our mutual faith and our hope in Christ.  Our primary goal is to spread the Gospel to any and all who will receive it, and to find others who are of the same mind and hope as we are. 

            It has been almost 30 years now since we started our first orphanage in Haiti, then with only 6 children.  Since then, through the grace of God, our work has prospered and grown, and we now have around 160 children in 2 houses.  In addition to this, we also support many smaller Haitian orphanages through weekly food deliveries and more. In this way we are able to provide aid to hundreds of needy orphans in addition to the ones we ourselves our raising.

           We finance this work through various business operations, in addition to the support we receive from our donors.  We send missionaries in groups of different sizes, usually rotating every few months.  We have also recently been able to get visas for some of our older children to have the opportunity to come to the U.S. for further Christian fellowship, training, and education. We are still in the process of getting this going, but some of them are now free to travel back and forth regularly, and are a really big help in the orphanages. 

           We also have always had an interest in expanding our work to begin a "City of Children" in the very barren Northwest region of Haiti. Water, food, medical care - everything is difficult to obtain in this desert-like area of Haiti, but there are thousands of children who need it desperately.  This obviously requires A LOT of planning, funds, and manpower to even begin, but the need for this is even more urgent since the Jan.12 earthquake that devastated Port-au-Prince. Your ideas and support (and prayers) concerning this project would be much appreciated.

           If you are interested in contributing to this work in any way, or even if you would like to hear more about the Gospel, feel free to contact us and we will be more than glad to talk to you!



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About our Work in Haiti













Contact Info in Haiti:                              L'Orphelinat de L'Eglise de la Comprehension de la Bible                 Thomassin 32 #30                             Petionville, Haiti  WI            

Haiti Telephone #                              509-3-754-9411                                  




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Main Office: (Also Shipping Address)The Church of Bible Understanding 400 Gilligan St.                                       Scranton, PA 18508                             Tel:   800-223-2360                                 Fax:  570-341-8104

Mailing Address:                                        The Church of Bible Understanding P.O. Box 20109                                      Scranton, PA 18502

Email:                                    cbuhaiti@yahoo.com       airplanecommittee@yahoo.com      (for aviation-related inquiries)